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Retroactive Points accrual from Aeromexico flights

If you flew or are going to fly with Aeroméxico, it’s time to earn your Premier Points!

Aeroméxico Rewards is the loyalty program which rewards its Members with Premier Points for their travel and everyday purchases, which they can redeem for exclusive experiences. I want to be a member

If you already are a Aeroméxico Rewards Member, you have a maximum of 6 months after your flight to accrue your points. If you’re not a Member yet, sign up for free and you may earn Premier Points for flights up to one month before the day you enrolled. To request the retro-active accrual of your flight, you have to wait at least 10 days after the flight.

Retroactive accrual on flights with Skyteam® and other affiliate Airlines.

If you flew with Skyteam and other affiliate Airlines, you can earn your Premier Points. You have up to 6 months after your flight to earn your points.

Click here for a list of Skyteam alliance members.